
Friday, February 23, 2007

back to blogging

I know I've been slacking on the blogging. Work was a bit tough this week. When I get in a bad or down mood, I tend to skip blogging. I figure no one wants to listen to me whine. My job is tough. It isn't a perfect match for my skills or personality, but I'm giving it my best shot. Hopefully something else will come along soon. I'm really having trouble finding my groove. I got a call the other day from what sounded like a great job for me, but the only trouble is it is down near boston, and as soon as we can, we want to move out by Sturbridge, to the country. The lady said she would hand my resume off to the manager that is in charge of that area, so we'll see if anything comes of it.
What else do I have for news? Not that much. For the past two days, I've been working on cleaning up the apartment. When we go for stretches of time where neither one of us has much time off, it gets pretty bad. I'm just about done now. Just a little laundry to go.
I think I'll get my hair trimmed this afternoon and maybe run to walmart. I think Big Guns is going to do Tae Bo with me this evening. I'm not sure what we'll do for dinner. Over all, I've been doing pretty good with my diet, though valentine's day had me veering off course a bit. By next week I should be back to where I should be. I have been emotional eating this week for sure. oh well, what can you do? Last night we made chicken fingers crusted with Cheez-it crumbs. I've been tired of chicken lately, but that was pretty good. that's my update for now. Maybe if i get a chance, and have something to say, i'll write more later on.

Friday, February 16, 2007


what did i eat yesterday?...hmm
blueberry smoothie
whole wheat toast w/ cheese
2 cups of coffee

left over pasta from V-day (yum!!)

sugar free pudding
handful of cereal

left over piece of pizza
left over steak and cheese in a wrap

hot chocolate

tae bo and step aerobics

Yesterday I proved to myself that carbs make you hungrier. After lunch I had the munchies all day! I had a Valentine's day hangover yesterday. Wednesday was fun with big guns being home, and having the snow storm, and then our special valentines day dinner. Yesterday was just the day after valentines day with nothing really special to look forward to. I was a little on the bored side, which is why i wound up exercising twice! I also did a little bit of job hunting....i'm pretty happy where i am, but i'm still keeping my eyes open for that perfect spot that is full time but has normal hours.
i'm thinking today i will run my group on anger. i don't think they'll love it, but it's what popped into my head this morning. we'll have to see how many kids i'll have though.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Post- Valentines Day Report

I haven't gotten around to blogging for the past few days. i figure I better get myself back in the habit, or I will stray on my diet. I've been doing pretty well, and have been exercising regularly. Yesterday was an exception because we were snowed in and because of the holiday. It was fun to have big guns home all day. We ordered in pizza for lunch. We have a little pizza shop next door, so we ventured out in the storm to pick it up. double dough with meatballs, green peppers, and onions. yum, yum! Then for dinner, Big Guns treated me to a romantic candle light dinner.
He made rigatoni with vodka-cream sauce and bruschetta. it was oooh sooo good! He only makes it on special occasions, and I almost always cry afterwards because it reminds me of how lucky we are to have each other. I have to start looking for a special recipe for his birthday in May! Let me know if you have any good ones;) Last year we moved in to the apartment on his birthday, so we didn't get to really celebrate. We were cold, wet, and tired. It was also the weekend of all the flooding down here. If i remember right, we played Burgertime, ate cake, and then went to sleep! That's all i have to say for now. I'll try to post again later.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

tired thursday

I'm sleepy today. I'm not sure why. I've been sleeping good at night. maybe i'm just catching up from stress or something...I think for dinner tonight we're having shrimp pasta. yum! I've been doing much better on my exercise this week. I have found that that is really the only way i can lose weight-by adding in more exercise. i feel thinner even if i'm haven't lost any lbs. this weekend we're meeting mom and ma in portland for lunch. i'm looking forward to seeing them.
today i've been working on getting our next round of invitations out. right now, we have about 100 people coming, and we're sending out invites to 20-30 more. We really don't want to have more than 120-130 because it'll be cramped i think....especially/mostly if it is rainy. we've got most of the big details out of the way, now it is getting time for the little things like menus, seating arrangements, ceremony, flowers, transportation, decorations, and those sorts of things. We've got just about 5 months to go. woohoo!
let's see...what was my diet from yesterday?
2 cups of coffee

chicken noodle soup
1 sugar free fudgsicle
1 piece of cheese

shake n bake pork chops (really salty...not at all like a remembered them)
green beans

1 sugar free fudgsicle
sugar free/fat free white chocolate pudding with a cherry on top

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Well, yesterday i went in to work, and found out that my one and only client for the outpatient program had withdrawn. It turns out, even she realized that 10 hours of individual therapy in one week was too much. I talked to my supervisor about my concerns about the program or lack thereof, gave her my recommendtions for changing it, and then told her that I did not feel like I had the time to devote to it. She said that she really had no work for me to do, so if i wanted, my resignation could be effective immediately. I said ok, and that was the end of it. I was not expecting such a rapid end to my work there, but i am relieved that it is off my shoulders now.
In other news, I just booked a wedding photographer! We are making progress all the time. Who knew how expensive photographers could be though?! I suppose in the long run it will be worth having the pictures though!
I am doing much better on keeping up with my exercising lately. In the last few days, I have been digging out my Tae Bo DVDs. They are invigorating. I love to imagine that I am kicking butt! It feels good, especially after having to control my emotions so tightly all day while I am at work. woohoo!

Diet from yesterday:

whole wheat turkey taco

sugar free fudgsicle

pork tenderloin
glass of wine

ricotta cheese with almond extract

midnight snack:
toast with cheese

Monday, February 05, 2007

monday morning!

It's sooo cold here today! They said on the news that it is going to WARM UP today so that it feels like -5. I can't wait for that to happen! I"m hungry this morning. I need to go find myself a snack (maybe a fudgsicle, although it is a bit on the cold side today!)
I've been a little frustrated and stressed over my job lately. I think it started to heat up when I took on the second position over at the outpatient clinic. I think i've bitten off a little more than I can chew right now, so today, I 'm planning on telling them that I want to go back to part time. I'm definitely challenged by working with the population I am, and am having to learn new skills to even begin to be effective with them (I'm not tough/intimidating enough) Trying to learn two different jobs right now, while I'm dealing with them day to day is too much. It would have been smarter for me to get one job down pat before I started the second one. Sometimes, I need to learn to listen to my gut. It usually turns out that my gut is smarter than I am. oh, well! maybe one of these days i'll start listening.
As far as my diet goes from yesterday,
2 whole wheat blueberry muffins
2 cups of coffee

1/2 of a fiesta chicken wrap from pub 99

2 whole wheat tacos
1 sugar free fudgsicle
1 bowl of cereal

Friday, February 02, 2007

Sue's MI-5

I liked the questions for MI-5 this week, so I thought I'd post my answers:

1) 2 stores you frequent most often
-Walmart is pretty much the only store we go to on a regular basis. It's a super walmart so we buy our incidentals as well as our groceries there. I also like to go to Kohl's when I'm shopping for clothes. I try to stay away from it though until i really need something because i tend to spend more money than i plan on there.

2) 2 things you want to do before you die
-have a family

3) 2 foods you could eat every day
-ice cream

4) 2 things you can't live without
-the love of my family and friends

5) 2 things that scare you
-crime-based tv shows
-loud arguing/fights/violence

Finally Friday!

I haven't been able to get to my blog for the last few days. Some kind of error message kept popping up, but they seem to have fixed it for today. Overall, i've been doing pretty good on my diet, and if we go to the gym tomorrow, we'll have gotten in 5 days of exercise. That's much better than we have been doing lately. I've been spending my free time daydreaming of where to go on our honeymoon. I think we're going to finalize our plans over the weekend. Then we have to get back to the actual wedding planning.
Work has been crazy lately. The residential program is always crazy from what i can tell. There is a major staff turnover and the kids are resistant to changing and are always trying to see what they can sneak into the program and/or get away with doing.
The outpatient program is frustrating in a different way. This week I have had one girl in my group. That means that she has had about ten hours of individual therapy this week. I don't know anyone who has that many problems. I think they should have waited to start up the program until we had atleast four or five kids signed up...oh well. I imagine if other people don't show up next week, she'll drop out. They've tried to start up this program in the past, but they always have trouble with it. We'll see how it goes.
Let's see if i can remember what I ate yesterday:
2 cups of coffee

mixed veggies
sugar free fudgsicle

shrimp/pasta dish
glass of wine

1 sugar free fudgsicle