
Friday, February 02, 2007

Finally Friday!

I haven't been able to get to my blog for the last few days. Some kind of error message kept popping up, but they seem to have fixed it for today. Overall, i've been doing pretty good on my diet, and if we go to the gym tomorrow, we'll have gotten in 5 days of exercise. That's much better than we have been doing lately. I've been spending my free time daydreaming of where to go on our honeymoon. I think we're going to finalize our plans over the weekend. Then we have to get back to the actual wedding planning.
Work has been crazy lately. The residential program is always crazy from what i can tell. There is a major staff turnover and the kids are resistant to changing and are always trying to see what they can sneak into the program and/or get away with doing.
The outpatient program is frustrating in a different way. This week I have had one girl in my group. That means that she has had about ten hours of individual therapy this week. I don't know anyone who has that many problems. I think they should have waited to start up the program until we had atleast four or five kids signed up...oh well. I imagine if other people don't show up next week, she'll drop out. They've tried to start up this program in the past, but they always have trouble with it. We'll see how it goes.
Let's see if i can remember what I ate yesterday:
2 cups of coffee

mixed veggies
sugar free fudgsicle

shrimp/pasta dish
glass of wine

1 sugar free fudgsicle


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