
Wednesday, January 31, 2007


I think i have been doing pretty well on my diet, though i have lost little, if any weight thus far. Big Guns and I have been better about getting to the gym in the mornings though, so that should help us out some. (3 days so far this week) Actually Big guns has been better about getting up in the morning. I've been sleeping right through the alarm. I haven't been hearing it at all. Before i would hear it, but ignore it. Big Guns says i was even snoring last night!!
I've been in a bad mood this week about my job. I need to get myself out of the negative mood i'm in. I think it is related to hormones, or at least that's why i'm letting things bother me so much. I'm frustrated with my job. When I took it, I agreed to work occasional sundays, like once every 2-3 weeks in the evenings. now i'm working every sunday, all day. I also agreed to work until 6-7 at night. I'm now working until 8 pm most nights, which means i don't get home until close to nine. i"m working 6 days a week, and i never get to see anyone. I'm so frustrated that I haven't been able to find my groove yet down here employment wise.

my diet from yesterday:
all bran cereal
2 cups of coffee

small salad
whole wheat wrap w/ peanut butter

string cheese


sugar free fudgsicle
lowfat chocolate ice cream!!!


Blogger Unknown said...

I find that things have a way of working themselves out. Maybe after you're entrenched in the job, you can remind someone of what you agreed to do as far as Sundays go. I think you could stand the late hours if you had two days off. Be flexible, but don't be afraid to set some limits. Some employers will use your best intentions to their advantage. Sorry you had such a bad day. Hope tomorrow is better. I'm sure Big Guns is helping cheer you up as much as he can. (I know, "he's sweet!") Keep posting about the crazy job. I'm interested. I love you.

8:29 PM  

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