
Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Yesterday i did pretty good with my diet.
1 blueberry smoothee
1 piece of whole wheat toast with cheese on top
1 sugar free fudgsicle (i love 'em)

whole wheat wrap with peanut butter

a little steak

hot chocolate
1 sugar free fudgiscle

midnight snack when i woke up b/c i was hungry:
1 piece of whole wheat toast with cheese

second midnight snack because I was STILL hungry:
1 bowl of cheerios

Yesterday we started the morning off at the gym to do a little weight lifting. Yesterday was a crazy, crazy day at work. I swear, my typical client is a cross section between a convicted felon and a three year old. I spend most of my day trying to enforce rules and discipline while listening to temper tantrums. It's really fun! Yesterday one of my clients got mad when I made him turn the tv off, so he went and locked himself in the bathroom for an hour. As we all know, that is the most logical thing to do when you don't get your way. Let's just say I have my work cut out for me:) I got home late last night because I had to put out some fires (not literally this time) at the program. When I walked in Big Guns had a dinner ready and waiting for me, and then he sat up with me until almost 11pm while I tried to unwind and listened to me rant and rave. He's the sweetest. Tonight is another late night for me, but it should be tamer. I'll be at the outpatient program, doing some researching, networking, and observing. I wish I'd be home earlier so I could snuggle in with Big Guns, but I guess I can't have everything.


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