
Thursday, January 04, 2007


Well, I have started my new job. It's definitely different from anything I've done before. I'm trying to therapize a bunch of teenaged boys who don't think they need help. Needless to say they're a rowdy, inattentive crowd. My feeling is, if I can conquer them, I can do any job the future holds. They're good kids, and I definitely have a soft spot for them. I think they like to try to take advantage of that. The other night while they were under my supervision a food fight broke out. There was pork hanging from the ceiling. I made them clean it all up. I was surprised when they actually listened to me. I couldn't think of a consequence they should have for it after they were done cleaning, so i had to call in reinforcements. I'm not good at being the mean/strict guy. It's a skill I had better get working on though. I had today off, but I'm in tomorrow, so we'll see what the fall out was and what I should make them do next time.
This afternoon I had an interview at the same agency for another position, that, when combined with my current job, would put me up to full time. The good (AWESOME!) news is that I got the job. woohoo!!! I'm now at 40 hours a week, or will be by the end of january and will have benefits along with all of the other luxuries of being a full time employee. The worse but still AWESOME news is that I will be in charge of developing an outpatient group program for teenaged drug users. It's an amazing opportunity for me, so I'm really excited about it, but it is also a little scary/intimidating since most of my exprience to date has been working with kids and families on parenting type issues. I know next to nothing about drugs. I'll be spending a lot of time reading up on the subject ove the next weeks and months. If anyone has any good resources let me know:) Change is good! So is a good challenge. I'm up for it. I do well when I'm under this kind of pressure, so i'm not too worried about how it will turn out, just a little nervous. Keep praying for me:) Big guns is here, so I have to finish blogging now and go smooch. I'll keep you guys updated


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