4th of July
In Massachusetts, stinks! None of the towns around us are having parades or fireworks! What's the point of even calling it a holiday if you're not going to do those things? Old Sturbridge Village is having a celebration, but you have to pay to get in and you have to pretend you're back in 1834 or something. Another year we might have to give it a try....especially if these towns don't get back into the groove of things. Man! I haven't even seen any sparklers for sale. We're going to CT today anyway to go to a cookout. Next year, maybe we'll have one here. That would be a lot of fun, I bet. These past two years, the summer and our lives seem to run away with our plans. We were going to have an open house at some point this summer, but with most of July booked already, I'm not sure when we would do it. I guess people will just have to come over as they have time...
We saw the doctor again yesterday. Everything still looks good and the baby (hopefully we'll have a name sometime soon) has a strong heart beat and is squirming all around. I don't notice him kicking so much these days, but i can feel and see him sliding around in there. Next time I go, they'll test me for diabetes and anemia. (just routine) i won't be able to eat for three hours before I go! I'm gonna be hungry by the time i get out of that appointment!
As exciting as it is to be pregnant, I'll be glad to see October finally get here. Mostly so we can see the baby, but also, it's a bit of a pain in the neck sometimes to be pregnant. It's hard to move, and it keeps me from doing everything I want to do. It's frustrating. For instance, I would love to find some kind of a parade or festival to go to today, but honestly, after about 10 or 20 minutes I'd be ready to sit down somewhere and take a break. I"m a big ole lump. I'd like to feel like myself again. Some of that I know is just from me not sleeping. This week it seems to have gotten better in that department, but the rest of it is just that I'm pregnant I guess.
With all you have to do, the time will go by faster than you think. Too bad about no parade. Next year you could come here and we could all go to Thomaston? Like everything else, pregnancy has its ups and downs, but the end result is really something! It makes it all worthwhile.
Did I send you the "Pregnant Woman's Comfort Book"? It's a really, really good one. Lots of things to do, physically and emotionally, to help with all of the little "ailments" of pregnancy.
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