back to blogging
I know I've been slacking on the blogging. Work was a bit tough this week. When I get in a bad or down mood, I tend to skip blogging. I figure no one wants to listen to me whine. My job is tough. It isn't a perfect match for my skills or personality, but I'm giving it my best shot. Hopefully something else will come along soon. I'm really having trouble finding my groove. I got a call the other day from what sounded like a great job for me, but the only trouble is it is down near boston, and as soon as we can, we want to move out by Sturbridge, to the country. The lady said she would hand my resume off to the manager that is in charge of that area, so we'll see if anything comes of it.
What else do I have for news? Not that much. For the past two days, I've been working on cleaning up the apartment. When we go for stretches of time where neither one of us has much time off, it gets pretty bad. I'm just about done now. Just a little laundry to go.
I think I'll get my hair trimmed this afternoon and maybe run to walmart. I think Big Guns is going to do Tae Bo with me this evening. I'm not sure what we'll do for dinner. Over all, I've been doing pretty good with my diet, though valentine's day had me veering off course a bit. By next week I should be back to where I should be. I have been emotional eating this week for sure. oh well, what can you do? Last night we made chicken fingers crusted with Cheez-it crumbs. I've been tired of chicken lately, but that was pretty good. that's my update for now. Maybe if i get a chance, and have something to say, i'll write more later on.